Join us in Kouvola, Finland for Rewild Your Heart -and horse- (RYH) 3-day workshop! 

We will spend 3 days nurturing our wilder, more feral sides. During the workshop, we focus on our observational skills, self-awareness and our ability "to see" through the concept of belonging to nature. horses at the pond

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for anyone who wants to connect or re-connect with nature, to discover or re-discover how you are not only part of nature – but are nature. It is for those who wish to rewild their horses or simply understand what rewilding of horses in a more domesticated setting could be and look like.

Everyone is welcome, with or without horse experience, who wants to try out another way of practicing mindfulness and experiencing a Rewilding Your Heart weekend!

What is it about?

We will spend a lot of time outdoors, engaged in different kinds of experiential learning and mindfulness activities, in a facility that is in the process of rewilding. Besides observing the horses residing at the facility's land, we will observe the local ecology and wildlife at large, including ourselves in it. We will invite to reflections on what we can learn from observing horses on their own rewilding process, local wildlife and ourselves as being the observers, but also as being partners in mutual meetings in nature, being nature. 

We will reflect on how we are responsible for what we bring with us when we seek experiences with nature and horses, and also on what we leave behind us when we return back to our everyday lives. We will ask ourselves questions as; who are we when we “visit” horses in nature? Who do we want to be when we "visit" there? Can we even “visit” horses in nature when we humans too are animals? Are nature?


Overview of the Program

On the first day we will meet for introductions and to get more familiar with the concept of Rewild(ing). We invite you to look at yourself as well as the horses and their environment through the lense of Rewild(ing). It is an invitation to start thinking about how we can rewild ourselves, as well as our horses and where they live. 

On the second day we will practice self-awareness and through different experiential activities, explore the concept of the observer/observed and the context we are in. We will also talk about what we see in the horses, their behaviors, communication and social dynamic. There will be room for plenty of important discussions about horses and their contexts - and how we humans fit into this their world (and not only how we make horses fit into ours). 

On the last day we will discuss and reflect on the differences between the environments we keep horses in, and if we can find new learnings to bring home to implement for the horses we live with or have in our lives. There will be discussions on how we might shift our views on what equine welfare is. Time is also dedicated for unpacking the weekend, for questions and discussions. 

Possible questions that might arise:

  • Through what lenses are you looking at horses and their environment?
  • How do you see yourself – as the observer of horses and their behaviors?
  • How does that effect how you see horses?
  • What we see is always a question of individual perception. How can we become better aware of our own perceptions? As humans, and as the individuals we are?

This is a fabulous opportunity to learn about horse behavior, equine welfare, and self-awareness.We will also learn about and practice some nature assisted mindfulness tools as well as nature assisted experiential learning tools. 

Workshop dates 2025:

April 18-20, 2025. 

We will meet in Friday evening at 3PM and finish the workshop on Sunday evening by 5PM. IMG 6977 2



460 euros

Included in the price: All facilitation and education,  a light lunch on Saturday & Sunday, snacks, tea and coffee on all days, a pre-webinar with a Q & A, a suggested reading list.

Not included: transport and accommodation.  

Maximum numbers of participants is 12. The workshop will run with a minimum of 6 participants.




There are some B&B, smaller hotels, and AirBnBs in the area. Some local accommodations are listed below: 



Myllykosken kerho Oy

Rauhala Inn

To make the training more accessible for some, there is a possibility for camping with your own equipment on the grounds of the facility for a small fee (5 euro/night). When camping, you are welcome to use the main house's bathroom, kitchen, outdoor sauna, and "summer kitchen" for grilling. Be aware of potentially very cold nights, so bringing appropriate camping gear. 



There are grocery stores and smaller restaurants approximately 5km from the facility. We offer a light lunch and snacks, coffee, tea and water during the training days. All food proviede by the facility is plant-based. Please inform us about possible allergies. 


What you need for the training

We will be outdoors on all days, around horses. Even if some shelter exists from rain and/or sun, bring what you need according to weather, season, and your personal needs. 

Also, bring your own notebook, pen and any other things you need to write down observations, self-reflection, and personal notes. 


Facilitators in April:

Katarina Lundgren: Eco-psychoterapist in training, Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Instructor and Educator, Nature and Equine Assisted Interventions Facilitator and Educator, Cognitive Science Master’s student and a student of Expressive Arts. Director of MiMer Centre.

Sonja Lairila: Conscious Movement Facilitator/ Yoga Instructor, Equine Assisted Interventions Facilitator and Educator, Social Work Professional 


Languages: The main language on this workshop is English, but we can translate to Swedish and Finnish 


Sign-up here:

You can sign-up to the workshop by sending us an e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please let us know a little bit about yourself, and inform us about any special dietary (or other) needs. 

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“We do not need more science. We need a new mind-set and social movement that is transformational and centers on empathy, compassion, and being proactive. By rewilding our hearts, we focus on building strong and intimate connections with nature, and these experiences are essential for effective social change. This is deep work.“ — Mark Bekoff

“There is a difference… between the call of the outdoors and the call of the wild.”  — Kathleen Dean Moore