By Katarina Lundgren on Sunday, 29 September 2024
Category: EATIC

YOU – As a Unique Student – are Important to US!


How to let every student be on their unique path, not building collectives, but communities!

This change has been a long time coming. I and Sonja have been discussing this back and forth.

What we do in MiMer is in general very different to what you find in other organizations offering trainings in EAP/L, equine welfare, equine behavior, equine-human interaction, stress, human welfare, trauma, ND and so on.

We have up till now offered a more traditional course structure and way of inviting people to take our courses. But as we grow into this shift in our role in the “EAP/L, equine welfare, human welfare and interspecies and ecological interactions”- world – where we now will acknowledge how we always have run in the forefront of things – we will instead have a more individualized set-up.

We are, mostly, really not for everyone. Yet we are for anyone… A contradiction? The thing is – we cannot know for who we are, and any person cannot know if MiMer Centre is the right choice for them – to learn and grow with.

We will start with putting out two of our basic introductory courses. One is EATIC, level 1:1 and level 1:2 (it is a basic course just divided into two chapters, to not make it too big).

EATIC stands for Equine Assisted Trauma Informed Care. Originally, we developed this course in 2019. It has been built on since then (and changed name from Equines in Therapy and Learning Programs – EiT/L), but much of it is basic, but much needed knowledge about horses, their needs – on all levels (yet knowledge you do not readily find compiled like this anywhere else, nor find how you can learn from it and interact with it – it is not only a theoretical course, but it also invites you practice).

We want to offer it to you now – as a self-paced, self-study course. Meaning you do it and after you have done it, you can book us for discussions, for an exam of it, for sending in your homework, for supervision and mentoring. This has before been part of the course.

Instead of constantly changing and updating this course, to keep up with our own growth and learning – we have now decided to let it sit, let it be, as it is. It is really a both unusual and very thorough introduction to the EAP/L field (Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning).

AFTER you have done it, and IF you opt to do the more individualized part of it, you can come to a live in-person course as a student of MiMer. Then you will know if we are for you and we will know if you are for us! Then we all know we will invest a lot of more time, energy and money into each other.

This means you can take EATIC level 1:1 (The Fundamentals) and 1:2 (The Theoretical Framework) – and digest the material on your own. And if you do not want to pay extra for the exam, mentoring, supervision etc., you do not have too.  You will still get a certificate of completion. And we will offer this way of doing the course for only 160 euro!

IF you decide to go on to do a full certificate with the individualized part – you pay an additional 300 euro (it is still a very cheap course considering the breadth and depth of the content and all that we have invested and still invest in it – and how much we invest in YOU and your learning journey!). It is still mandatory to do the full course WITH the live session engagement part if you want to join us at any live in-person EATIC training, to become an EATIC facilitator (and perhaps even an EATIC trainer, or other kind of MiMer trainer).

You can still sign up to the package of course material, the theory + the live session supervision and interaction part. By this arrangement we are just giving you more options!

If you are happy with us, we hope of course that you will join us on one of our live, in-person courses. To see if we still are what you are looking for. And for us to do the same (this will more be your process than ours, but we will just choose to invest more OF us in the ones investing more IN us! To monitor engagement, energy, time and other kinds of investments is extra important in today’s society which is full of stressors for us all – this is how we incorporate sensible self-care into our offers and make sure there are multiple “stops” on this journey, to assess where you are heading and for us to find the people, we will work closer with. Shortly said: it is about mutual choosing of journeys forward.

I want to point out that we are not only looking for what are usually called like-minded people. We are looking for critical learners and thinkers! For the ones that want to process what they learn and put their own twist to it. We will encourage you to find out what you want to do with the material we offer. We will support you in finding out your own path in this field of equines – nature – movement – expressive arts – mindfulness – therapy – rewilding – learning…  meeting stressed people, traumatized people, people with neurodivergences – and equally much meeting horses of different kinds.

You can read more about and sign up to the EATIC 1:1 here, with the different options:

And you can read more about and sign up to the EATIC 1:2 here:

In this way, every student’s path through our courses, workshops, other event and material – will be unique. Even if you do need to take the EATIC courses in the right order… as they build on each other.

The other basic introductory course that we offer for now – is “Rewild your Heart” – it is also an online course. It does have live zoom sessions included we meet 8 times online. The cost is 145 euro. The next one starts October 8.

You can read more about it and sign up here:

Welcome to our new MiMer world!

/The MiMer School Team

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